Saturday, February 27, 2016

Nicaragua - Leon - Granada- Laguna de Apoyo

After such a long trip from eastern side of Honduras down to western coast of Nicaragua likely we managed to get to Leon where we stayed over night in a nice hostel Guardabarranco, the same chain as the one in Ceiba but completely different and cleaner experience. Again Leon was just a transit place, nothing interesting there. There were few beaches half an hour by bus away from the town but we didn't visit them. The lake of Granada was also such a disappointment. The lake was big without any access to the water with plenty of garbage around, very touristic place totally owned by foreigners. I was tired and wanted some relaxing place to rest. Asked the locals about such an oasis to hide in and they indicated La Laguna de Apoyo. We took a cab (8$ x half an hour drive) and we ended up in the paradise. Very laid back place with the artificial lake in the crater of volcano with few local restaurants around.  It was a perfect spot for a tent and relax. We made friends with locals, during the night there were fishermen coming over to pick up the nets and what they fished, locals who were making bath. Later on few firing era made a huge fire near by our tent, the sky was full of stars, there was no moon so the stars were even more visible. The water was warm and fresh, the lake looked like a little wavy sea with an ocean sound. This is exactly what I was hopping to find, like being back to El Salvadore's experience with only few more tourists. In El Salvadore we didn't meet even one foreigner. It was such a paradise. So was Nicaragua.
I'm lying down in a hammock by a lake with an accompaniment of a wonderful sound of the waves breaking by the shore, catching up with my traveling diary;) It reminds  me of my home country- Poland where I used to live and go to such a remote places.
We had got such a bad experience last night. While we were lying by the tent watching the stars we've be rubbed: mobile phone, money and the bag with the gifts from all Central America were gone. We've only realised it next morning.  Someone must have got in to the tent while we were literally 3m away. The next day while we were having our breakfast in the restaurant near by we've been told by the owner that there are lots of thieves around here. It's such a negative feeling while traveling, being in the most beautiful places and having to worry that someone will invade our space. We should be leaving right away but somehow we don't feel like. Waiting for the police to report the robbery.