Saturday, October 22, 2011

sailing in italy 1-22 September

The summer in Italy passed by so quickly that I didn't even manage to make any note. Just right now while I'm on the Londons tubes train can recall my memories
of one month ago. After 2 weeks of being in Poland I took the plane and landed in Rome, from where my friend drove me to Naples. As soon as I arrived I've spent a couple of nights at his girlfriend's place where she showed me around. This is not a first time I stayed in such a charismatic southern Italian city, but there is so much to see. Even if I wasn't in the best state of mind, I still managed to indulge my Italian experience with delicious napoletanian pizza (fratelli di buffala) and fantastic ice creams. Also 'il baba' is not too bad (liquored donaugh). As soon as we could, we moved by the signora ydra2 boat. And that was a pick point of my happiness. Beside of being grumpy and miserable on the land as soon as I jumped on board I felt lighter and relieved. All the worries were suddenly gone. We were sailing around Campania (Naples) and Latina (Rome) region. We didn't go so far but we stayed relaxed and easy in Ischia. After 2 weeks my parents arrived and we picked them up from Naples. We sailed together the whole night and half day to Ventotene. There is a festival every summer which lasts for 2 weeks and all habitants of the island (200) participate by organising all the attractions such as fireworks, balloons flights, life music concerts an so on. We took a part of it. Beside of that we used the canoa, swam a lot and have as usual fantastic meals. My parents were living their life dream, their honey moon after 40 years of marriage. We all had got great time even if we happened to be in the middle of storm at the end. But the sea sickness is a part of the sailing experience;). After my 3 weeks and my parents 1 week on boat we took the bus and traveled 5 hours from Naples to Lecce (Puglia) where I run the yoga and dance retreat....My patents are just wonderful, they adopt so easy to each circumstances. Either on the boat or during the yoga and dance retreat they just were perfect. Did everything according to the plan. Also my capitan, the best male friend ever took massively care of them and especially of me when I was in the middle of emotional rollercoster....

Friday, October 21, 2011

Yoga dance retreat 24-30 September

The first day of the retreat was pretty challenging. 3 people of 10 have lost their language at the airport. During the night when the last client arrived the taxi driver drove off with her suitcase. Thankfully it wasn't on purpose because few hours later everything was sorted out and the suitcase has been delivered back by the drugged taxi driver. I hardly could sleep and now after the morning yoga session I'm falling asleep. I'm tired.

I have got a wonderful time and so have the participants. At least they've said so. Every morning 2 hours of yoga practice and every evening 1 and half hour of yoga dance. During the day 1 hour of different activities such as yogalates, contact impro, acro yoga on the beach, pair yoga. During the day we were exploring the beautiful beaches such as Gallipoli and Otranto. The big town - Lecce is known as Florence of south. In fact it was very monumental and rustic town without much of renovations. Puglia is supposed to be a poor region, however it's not that obvious. Habitants seem to have a high style and very chilled out life. I wouldn't mind it for a while. People are very solar and nice, no pressure at all.

As soon as I came back home in London I felt such a low esteem. The whole world was about to crawl down as soon as I entered my apartment in basement. It doesn't feel right to move from a beautiful hot country with such a strong natural colours and contrasts to a big town with huge traffic and hectic life. But it's not even the hectic life which is disturbing. It's the dump flat which is putting me down. People are in rush without acknowledging each others.
It's two weeks since I've been in London and it's getting cooker, though still sunny. I'm injured so can not dance at the moment. I'm forced on planning this year professional work and holiday time. I've joined dance degree on second year. It's a part time degree in collaboration with a contemporary dance school of London The Place - where I'm actually training my self every morning by taking the professional dance classes. Now I'll be there also twice a week in the evening. Next summer I am going to ogranise yoga and dance retreat in Italy on the boat. This year I'll focus on my dance company to develop the new multi-ethnical dance project. In terms of teaching will set up my own yoga dance class in a dance school and corporate classes of Yoga and Pilates within London's big corporations, run yoga therapy developed into movement therapy, move to a nice apartment;) now I'm just hoping to recover asap from my knee injury, flu and broken heart so I can make all that happen. I will gaver more often with my friends and organise meeting group to exchange the ideas and opinions.Amen...