Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Poland 13 April 2010

Czasami nie zdajemy sobie sprawy jak kruche jest zycie dopoki nie doswiadczymy straty. To co sie wydarzylo w Smolensku nieopodal Katynia kilka dni temu 10 kwietnie 2010 pozostanie w historii wszechczasow na wieki. Smutno tylko,ze dopiero po smierci dowiadujemy sie o walorach zmarlych I ich zaslugach. Dlaczego nie jestesmy w stanie cieszyc sie tym co many za zycia I docenic to co nas otacza. Dlaczego zawisc, zdrada, zlosc, zaborczosc I chciwosc zaslaniaja nam piekno rzeczywistosci I otaczajacego nas swiata. Czy tak trudno jest otworzyc oczy, usmiechnac sie I widziec rozposcierajace sie nad nami nieskonczone niebo. Czuc promienie slonca rozgrzewajace nasze dusze I sprawiajace usmiech w naszym sercu. Jestesmy czescia wszechswiata, rodzimy sie, umieramy I znow rodzimy sie na nowo. Warto zamykac przedzilay kazdego dotychczasowego zycia zeby moc otwierac horyzonty nowych wyzwan w kolejnym poczeciu. Bez wzgledu na narodowosc, wyznanie, kolor skory - jestesmy jednoscia I zgodnie z nia powinnismy zmierzac do obranego celu, a nie za wszelka cene. Czasami warto zatrzymac sie I zastanowic dokad tak naprade  zmierzamy. Czy obrany kierunek jest wlasciwy czy to tylko zludzenie I zabezpieczenie na gorsze chwile. Czy warto poswiecac swoje marzenia I pragnienia dla tego co narzuca spoleczentwo a my za nim Sami sobie, czy warto jest podjac ryzyko I zrobic cos dla siebie, co sprawi nam niesamowity komfort wewnetrzny. Nie wien dlaczego ale uwielbiamy stawiac sobie poprzeczki I litowac sie nad soba. A nie potrafimy po prostu zyc chwila I cieszyc sie szczesciem. Poco zamartwiac sie tym co bedzie jutro skoro nie mamy zadnej gwarancji na to czy ono nadejdzie. Carpe diem! Zyj chwila I upajaj sie nia!

Taking off

I am waiting with my mum to sort out the energy and gas accounts of the flat. Incredible cue reminds of comunism period in Poland ages ago. There is still so much to do to change the system. Nothing is doable on line, u have to cue up to sort out every single issue over here. It looks that nobody feels affected by such discomfort. Everyone in silence follows the roles and deasnt argue because what for. If u live such a system you have to follow it. Sometimes I don't realise how lucky I am to be able to live a freedom. Tomorrow I am taking off from katowice-pyrzowice to my second home in London. I am looking forward to see again my BF. In couple of months I'll be in Miami for 3 months retreat. Hopefuly my BF will distract me for a while. We haven't seen each other for one month, during summer time usualy we spent separately 3 months away. May be this summer 2010 will be different. After his PHD he might join me.

Finaly we managed with my mum to sort out all the bills and so on. We were wondering around Katowice just closing up the last things to do. Today 13th April I am sitting at the airport in pyrzowice ready to take off and in couple of hours land in the UK. I left behind lots work I thought to sort out in Poland but I didn't have time to deal with English reality over here in Poland. I decided to take it from there once I am back home in London. Carry on with yoga and dance classes, sort out the advert for last 2 and half month, apply for USA visa and get ready for new adventure. Prepair two dance pieces for brockley max festival 4th June. Pack half of my stuff to take it back to Poland and get rid off all unessesary material goods and live pure live without any worries and struggle. I am ready to creat a new and hopefuly succesful dance theatre piece with my dance partner and carry on with it in future by presenting it in various theatres nationaly and internationaly. Build up the chillian project with another dance partner and polish one with another. Lots of exciting work to do and lots of patience to dedicate in such a short time. 
We are just about to get on the plane. I am saying to my country, family and friends 'see you soon'. Everything will be ok;)


Saturday, April 10, 2010

The biggest Polish tragedy - the plane crash in Katyn with 96 politicians and Polish President Lech Kaczynski 10/03/2010

Poland trip

Almost the end of my polish visit. I came to Katowice 31st of March just about to celebrate the Easter. I left London after moving out all my stuff from my beautiful house in brockley where I used to live for 4 years. Of course in and out because of my traveling. After I crossed all London eventualy I got to the Stansted airport and took off at 4.30pm. We spent with my family a wonderful time sharing the blessed food earlier in the church and then having a dinner with my brother and his family. We managed to go with my parents to Kracow to meet with my American friend from London and her boyfriend. We wondered around the castle, Kazimierz-juwish quater and main old town sqaure-sukiennice-baths. After delisiouse desert made of hot chocolate with ice cream and wipped cream in addition to sharlotka - apple cake and cheese cake me and my parents headed back home. Next day another big easter dinner with all my family and then I decided to go to Warsaw to visit my best friend who used to live in Italy for a while. It's very refreshing to play with kids before my brothers and after hers (3 and 6-7 year old). It made me completely disconect from the reality. It's such a wounderful feeling almost like a meditation. I spent there one night and the nex day afternoon I visited old and new town of Warsaw where I used to work and live 10 years ago. It didn't change a lot, it seems to be still the same place exept from few more caffes and restaurants. It's a nice feeling to be there and recall the memories of mine and war times. I walked across Warsaw's town until I got to the central station to pick up my train on the way back to my parents home-south Poland. In fact I am on the train and don't kno what to do with 3 hours of free time. Inicilay I was contemplating by watching an incredible sunset then I've got a vision for mine and my dance partner's coming up in June dance performance about the sexual slavery of southe east asia's ipod died and I lost the track of my performance's idea.
After I've got back to my parents I received a message from my old italian friend who I saw last time 10 years ago. Unexpectedly happened that he was in Poland and we met up for dinner. It was such a funny and full of memories evening. The next day I managed to rent my flat to someone who was desperate to move out from his girlfriend he just split up with. at the same time the biggest catastrophe in the whole world history happened when the news announced about the plane crash with the biggest Polish elite within the politics. Our President Lech Kaczynski and the most important politicians of our government died. today 10th march 2010 - 97 people died in Katyn - the place of mass polish officers murder in 1940. It is such a catastrophe and tragedy. Hole my country is sad and cries.